For more informations
Call: (819) 918-8643
Who are we? //
Assane Niang, Ph.D | Clinical reseacher, physical educator
Biomechanical analysis, Gait and posture disorders
Assane is the founder of Biomotrix. He's background is in physical activity, with a major in the field of biomechanics of human mouvement. Assane has a Ph.D in clinical sciences from the faculty of medicine of the University of Sherbrooke.
Assane is passionate with the use of physical activity to remedy walking disorders
Research collaborators |
Physical activiy, Biomechanics, Medicine
We count several research collaborators in our team. Confirmed resaerchers and students as well.
Physical Educators |
Canadian Society of Exercise Physiology certified professionals
Several certified physical educators are available to take care of our clients.